Fiche cheval miracles in may

the view restaurant at dundalk handicap (div 2)R5C8platdundalk1600 M1000017 partantsDépart 19:30
Non Partants : 15 - 16 - 17
19indiana greyF53p1p5p8p5pm.p. sheehy/101:38
25kudbegoodH64p5p5p4p3pw.j. lee/11 l 1/2
37koybigH95p3p0p5p0po.j. orr/11/2 l
410riliyaF31p7p0p0p8psiobhan rutledge/11 l 1/4
54anjahH44p4p6p5p6ps. foley/13/4 l
614kaswarahF30p7p8p0p0pc.d. hayes/13/4 l
711it's all a jokeH64p8p8p6p0pw.m. lordan/11 l
82burning lakeH52p7p2p2p3pw. joyce/1encolure
913speckled meadowF48p0p(20)7p0pa.j. slattery/11 l 1/4
108tony the gentH83p3p3p9p9pl.t. mcateer/11/2 l
116alhaajebH34p2p0p0p0pc.t. keane/11/2 l
123miracles in mayH67h3p7p(20)7hb.m. coen/11/2 l
131shawafH50p9p9p0p0pl.p. dempsey/12 l 1/2
1412monsieur piquerH50p8p8p0p0pd.e. sheehy/117 l
15cornish rockF30p6p9p0preserviste 1/1
16destacadoF36p6p3p5preserviste 2/1
17the bog bankF45p6p7p6p5preserviste 3/1